Data Warehousing By Mr. Saqib

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Book No. Book Name Download
1 Data Warehousing Fundamentals Download

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Date Lec. No.  Chapter Name Lectures Labs
15/02/2016 1 Introduction & Background Download------
16/02/2016 2 Introduction & Background Download------
22/02/2015 3 Introduction to Data Warehousing Download------
02/03/2016 4 De_Normalization Download------
02/03/2015 5 Issues of De_Normalization Download------
14/04/2016 6 Dimensional Modeling (DM) Download------
16/05/2016 8 Data Warehouse Design Download------
17/05/2016 9 Data Warehouse Design 2 Download------
17/05/2016 10 Extract Transform Load (ETL) Download------
11/06/2016 11 ETL Detail: Data Extraction and Transformation Download------
11/06/2016 12,13 Data Quality MAnagement (DQM) Download------

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1Data ware HousingDownload


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