Modern Programming Languages By Mr.Tahir

                             ~: BOOKS : ~                             

Book No. Book name Download
1 Concepts of Programming Languages Download

                             ~: SLIDES : ~                             

Date Lec. No.  Chapter name Lectures Labs & Documents
15/02/2016 1 Preliminaries Download------
22/02/2016 2 Evolution of PL DownloadPL Document
01/03/2016 3 Syntax and Semantics Download------
08/04/2016 4 Lexical and Syntax Analysis Download------
08/04/2016 5 Names, Bindings, and Scopes Download------
08/04/2016 6 Data Types Download------
08/04/2016 7 Expressions and Assignment Statements DownloadOOP in Java
14/04/2016 8 Statement-Level Control Structures Download------
24/05/2016 12 Support for Object-Oriented Programming Download------
24/05/2016 13 Concurrency Download------
24/05/2016 14 Exception Handling and Event Handling Download------
24/05/2016 15 Functional Programming Languages Download------
24/05/2016 16 Logic Programming Languages Download------

                       ~: ASSIGNMENT  : ~                      

Assignment No.AssignmentDownload
1Solve in Any LanguageDownload


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